Mail order & telephone sales
Sparkstone is a true multichannel retail system providing businesses with retail solutions and a range of additional routes to market such as special orders and mail/trade counter operations.
Once you move into shipping goods to customers, picking goods, warehouse management, order management comes into sharp focus and its imperative that they work smoothly.
Whether you want to provide Mail order/Telephone retail sales (MOTO) or move into business to business trade sales – Sparkstone manages it all with ease – in one integrated solution.
Order entry could not be easier or more informed :
Easy to learn fast entry
Stock availability at pos
Order status at pos
Extensive optional information available at pos
Enter customer details at any point
Unique deal maker to maximise profits
Sell stock and non stock items
Carriage and delivery charges
Required by dates per line
Sophisticated shipping matrix
PCI DSS Compliant payment integration
Back office order management
A comprehensive integrated back office provides easier administration allowing you to concentrate on customer service. Features include:
Own transport route management
Warehouse route picking management
Stock warnings on heavy items
Split orders for part shipment
One single system is the objective for businesses – large or small, Sparkstone can provide you with all the functionality you need, quickly and economically.
Click here to see the complete module family…
Separate delivery addresses
Take deposits or full payment
Optional post-code lookup
Diary management for order fulfilment
Split orders at point of sale
To follow notes
Delivery notes
Configurable invoice layouts
Optional links to quotemaker and Outlook
Substitute items
Auto print out of picking lists
Auto back order for out of stock items
Bulk sales order updates